Stan Olsen — Acting CEO:
Stan has been involved with the Kuwaa Mission almost since the group was founded. I first went to Liberia for 2 years with the ELCA Global Mission during 19997-99 to make an assessment of what it would cost for the Lutheran Church in Liberia to reconstruct / repair their properties that were damaged in the civil war. I also started a reconstruction program. Since then I have made numerous trips to Liberia, individually as well as part of the KM. As a result I have many friends that I enjoy seeing when I return. It has been most rewarding to know that our efforts to help the Kuwaa People have been so successful.
When not working on behalf of the Kuwaa Mission my wife and I enjoy living in Alaska and sea-kayaking, skiing and travelling by bicycle. We also enjoy mountain biking in the desert SW of the US.
Rev. Carol George — Chairperson:
In 2009, Rev. Dick Thompson invited Rev. Jensen Seyenkulo to speak to River of Life Lutheran, the congregation then served by Rev. Carol George in Chugiak, Alaska. Rev. George and her congregation were so touched by the hardships faced by the Kuwaa people in Liberia that they committed to raising funds for a water well for the Kuwaa mission and there began a relationship that continues still today. Rev. George’s granddaughter, Brooke, who was ten at the time, began the program known as “Kids for Kuwaa.” Noisy offerings continue to be gathered at congregations across the country to support the work of the mission through this program.
“Serving on the board of the Kuwaa Mission is an honor and privilege,” Carol said. “The dedication of all the members of the board and our missionaries who travel to Liberia to help build wells, conduct Vacation Bible School, build medical facilities and teach health and hygiene classes with the Kuwaa people is an inspiration to me. So much can be accomplished with a focused and dedicated core of volunteers, partnerships with other like-minded organizations, and the prayer, encouragement and support faithful donors and friends.”
Rev. George currently serves as pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Anchorage, Alaska. She previously served congregations in Chugiak, Alaska and Keizer, Oregon. Rev. George and her husband, David have four grown children, ten (exceptional) grandchildren, and three very spoiled canine “kids.” They enjoy traveling, music , reading, movies and good food with family and friends.
Carol Norquist — Treasurer:
Jennifer Cosgrove: — Secretary:
Jennifer Cosgrove is a professor of psychology at Concordia University in Irvine, CA. Jennifer is the oldest daughter of Ed and Diane Stelling, and was with them when they worked with the Kuwaa people in Liberia, back in the 1970’s. Jennifer has been a member of the board (Secretary) since 2009.
Karen Kuhnert — Fund Raising/Revenue:
Karen Kuhnert-BSW (retired Social Worker), Member-Lord of Life Lutheran Church, North Pole, AK
Karen Voris — Congregational Coordinator:
Lolitha Shepard — Board Adviser:
Diane Stelling — Publicity chair.
Served in Liberia in 1970’s with Lutheran Bible Translators as linguist/ nurse.
Currently on KM Board, working as an Instructional Aid in Preschool, marketing for Seniors Helping Seniors. Married for 60 years to Ed Stelling. KM celebrating 10 year Anniversary. Serving with KM from almost the beginning has been a joy and honor. God has richly blessed the Missions work! Contact me if your women’s group would like a “ Coffee Clatch 4 Kuwaa” presentation- S. CA.
Rev. Dr. Jensen Seyenkulo — Board Adviser:
Stelling — Board Adviser:
Ed Stelling, Advisory Member & Kids4Kuwaa Co- ordinator, shown here with Lorpu, our language helpers daughter from 1970’s. Ed served with Lutheran Bible Translators as a Literacy worker to the Kuwaa. Partner with Rev. Richard Thompson, translator. Ed is a retired Lutheran educator active with Kuwaa Mission, LBT, LLL, Rose Parade Committee, Kiwanis and Crean Lutheran High Board. Contact Ed if you would like info re: Kids4Kuwaa.
* All Kuwaa Mission board members and associates are volunteers! All donated funds are used to assist the Kuwaa people.
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