April 2013 Prayer Letter

Kuwaa Mission April 2013 Prayer Letter


April 2013

The Kuwaa Mission exists to wholistically help the Kuwaa people reclaim their hope and dignity as God’s redeemed people.

A Good Day Fishing!

After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”  “Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.   John 21:15

It was early morning.  Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were heading toward the shore after a very disappointing night of fishing.  From the beach Jesus offered a word of encouragement, “Hey guys, try the other side of the boat (roughly paraphrased).”  And that’s all it took, a fresh perspective.  With Jesus’ help, the disciples hauled in the catch of a lifetime! 

On the beach, after a fish & bread breakfast, Jesus asks Peter straight out, “Peter, do you love me?”  It was a fair question seeing as how Peter had denied even knowing him as Jesus faced arrest, torture and death.  It’s not Jesus’ question however that gets our attention as much as his response to Peter’s confession of devotion.  “If you really love me, Peter, walk the talk- feed my lambs (again, roughly paraphrased).”

My father used to have an old saying, “Fish or cut bait!”  I always took it to mean that if I was present when others were working, I was expected to pitch in – to find some way to make myself useful.    It’s true that most things in life are easier if you have someone sharing the load.

Isn’t that what the Kuwaa Mission is all about?  It’s Christ’s disciples pitching in- lending a hand- to our brothers and sisters half-a-world-away in Liberia.  It’s feeding Christ’s lambs, by sharing His love with the Kuwaa people in a real and tangible way, helping to provide clean drinking water and access to medical care.

The Clinic is UP

The walls of the medical clinic in Kondesu are up, the floor is poured and the roof is on.  The nurse’s quarters are at the same point.  Praise God for our contractor, Stone; Koko, the well contractor; Nathan, who has supervised our lumber operation; and, of course, Pastor Chris Kowula.   Missionaries, Cindy Ellis Bye and Stephen Bradley attended the clinic groundbreaking and helped begin work on the clinic (up to window level).  Stephen conducted a workshop on use and maintenance of water filters and a 4-day pump and filter training workshop for 17 people during this, his first visit.

Please hold in prayer

  • Our CEO, Stan Olsen, as he travels to Liberia, for the second time in the past few months.  We pray for availability of helicopter travel from Samaritan’s Purse for Stan into and out of the Kuwaa area from Monrovia  This will allow more time for him to visit the villages and meet with elders and contractors in order to verify progress on all fronts.
  • Success in talks with Child Fund about school projects and clinic staffing.
  • Effective communication between all parties involved in our mission activities and for strengthening of our relationships at all levels.
  • Those who will be working to complete water wells in Fassama, Kenata, Gatema, and Maufordor.

Written by Pastor Carol George, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Anchorage AK

Pictured above with granddaughter Brooke; the author of Kids for Kuwaa!

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       Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458  

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The Kuwaa Mission
c/o Bethany Lutheran Church
1340 8th Street
Slidell, LA 70458