Dear Kuwaa Mission Partners,
Please join us in celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Kuwaa Mission in Liberia, West Africa. During the past five years, you, as a partner or partner congregation in this vital ministry, helped dig wells for fresh drinking water; build a medical clinic; provided scholarships for technicians, nurses, and evangelists; trained for well and filter care; provided school supplies and Christian education to families in the villages of the Kuwaa Chiefdom. We would like to say “thank you” by inviting you to party with us this Fall.
5th Anniversay packets will be available on-line for your celebration or where one close to you might be. Included in the packets are the following:
- A DVD on the progress that has been made through our mutual efforts
- Reproducible flyers and bulletin inserts
- Liberian Recipes that you might use to host a Liberian lunch or dinner
- A Litany of Celebration & Thanksgiving suitable for use in worship
- A reproducible coloring page for use in Sunday school or children’s church
- A special anniversary “noisy offering” paint can cover
All of these resources and more will be also available on our website at soon.
We suggest you pick a Sunday this Fall for your congregation’s Kuwaa 5th Anniversary Celebration. It could be as simple as using the Litany of Celebration & Thanksgiving during your morning worship, taking up a “noisy (loose change) offering,” and serving a “birthday” cake following the service where you would play the video of the mission progress. Or you might choose to host a Liberian meal and invite a Kuwaa board member or missionary to speak. A speaker may be arranged by contacting Stan Olsen, CEO at (907) 333-2614 or Rev. Carol George, Congregation Coordinator at (907)227-7501 or Please let us know when you’ll be having the party so that we can post it in the prayer letters.
Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do for the Kuwaa people. NOW – LET’S PARTY!
Happy Easter-He Is Risen
We can party because what Jesus Christ accomplished in his suffering, death, and resurrection. Because he accomplished restoration and renewal for all humanity, we can celebrate new life in Christ and the5th Anniversary. Jesus gave himself for the following purposes:
- Reveal the love of God passionately, deeply, and unconditionally
- Forgive the sins of all people throughout the ages
- Replace the curse and consequences of the Law that all people deserve with forgiveness
- Disarm and defeat Satan
- Abolish the disease that separates mankind from God that allows people to come to him cleansed, unafraid
- Installed a 24/7 connection with God forever for us
Now we have the power, the Holy Spirit, to go out and be missionaries for Christ sharing the good news of Christ’s resurrection to all Mankind by word and deed. During this Easter Season, for those of you who can’t go consider helping send someone – you can pray for them, you can support them and the Kuwaa Mission will gladly send them!!!
Let us also remember the people in Western Africa who are affected by the deadly outbreak of Ebola in our prayers. Let us also praise him for being a God who cares for all people and who keeps his promises. Let us also remember to thank God for all of the prayer warriors, volunteers, field workers and financial supporters. We the Board of Directors thank you all for being a witness for Christ. We ask God to bless and keep you.
Celebrate and party joyfully in Jesus,
Carol George & Lolitha Shepard – Board Members