August 2012 Prayer Letter

August Prayer Letter PDF

This letter is part two of my report regarding my recent trip to Liberia and the Kuwaa Chiefdom in March.  This letter will have photos of the trip not available earlier.

Teacher and Evangelist Training Workshops in Belle Baloma:

Thirty-eight mission and government school teachers came from 14 villages to attend  a four day class in Lesson Planning and Classroom Management.  The Kuwaa Mission then provided the schools with copybooks for the students and classroom supplies for the teachers.  Fourteen pastors, evangelists, and Sunday school teachers were also trained in Lesson Planning and Teaching Methods.

Medical Assistance for the Kuwaa Chiefdom:

In Fassama, we met with the government clinic staff.  The clinic is the only one in the chiefdom.  We took a tour and presented them with a large amount of medical supplies brought from the US along with other needed supplies purchased by the Kuwaa Mission in Monrovia and transported to Fassama.  The pick-up truck got hung up for an hour when a log bridge collapsed.

Several new wells are being dug presently and several wells are being repaired.  They  should be in service before “dry time” comes in December and the streams dry up.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of the Kuwaa Mission and our Kuwaa brothers and sisters in Christ.  Please send your contributions to:


Bethany Lutheran Church

1340 8th Street

Slidell, LA 70458

c/o Lisa Dunk

designate: Kuwaa Mission