The Kuwaa Mission is praying for the three new Kuwaa Parish evangelists selected for training over the next two years. Comfort Kollie, Sarah Jeogbor, and Aloysius Korboi Joedoe, the three candidates, arrived at the Lewis T. Bowe
rs Lay Leaders & Ministerial Training Center (LTB-LLMTC) campus on Sunday, August 11, 2024. The three are the Kuwaa Mission-sponsored evangelists for ministry among their people in the Kuwaa Parish of the Lutheran Church in Liberia. Comfort, Sarah, and Aloysius traveled by motorbikes for over thirteen hours through the rain, mud, and cold to get to the center for training – the training that will prepare them for service to their people.
Unlike in previous years, when the Mission had more men than women, this batch of candidates is comprised of two women and one man. This scenario is an encouraging sign for ministry in the Kuwaa region! Our young people are not only exposed to men in leadership in the church, but they also see women who are close to their age in leadership roles. We are deeply grateful to the Kuwaa Mission and her supporters for the profound impact they are making on the Kuwaa people through the training of men and women with a deep understanding of Bible interpretation. Thanks to the Kuwaa Mission, ten of the sixteen Kuwaa towns now have at least one trained evangelist, a testament to our collective efforts. We pray that every Kuwaa town will soon have at least one trained evangelist! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Tebah Nyanku of Konjade and Mr. Joshua Mulbah of Kalata, the Kuwaa Mission’s dedicated foot soldiers, for their relentless work in finding our new evangelists. Their efforts, along with the support of the trained evangelists in the parish, have encouraged our three new candidates. We are told there were more volunteers for the training, but most couldn’t come due to the Mission’s limited capacity.
Like those who came before them, Comfort, Sarah, and Aloysius are making significant sacrifices to be trained for ministry to their people. When asked about the level of sacrifice they are making, Aloysius, the only married one among these candidates, humbly shared his perspective: “No sacrifice we make can equal the sacrifice Jesus made for us. We are happy to be doing something for the good of the Gospel.” We admire their dedication.
Prayer: God of the Kuwaa people, we thank you again for the three willing servants you have blessed us with. We pray that you remove every obstacle so their learning may be smooth and joyful. Bless your mission, the Kuwaa Mission, and all those who work to make it viable. We pray in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving! Amen!
Jensen Seyenkulo COO, Kuwaa Mission
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