Category Archives: Prayer Letters

Thanksgiving 2015



November 2015

‘Tis the season to be thankful…

Dear friends of the Kuwaa Mission,

Always be joyful.  Never stop praying.  Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.                      

1 Thessalonians 5:16

At Thanksgiving this year it is time once again to pause and give thanks for the many blessings we’ve been given.  Even as we are aware of war, violence, injustice and suffering in many places around the world, we are also aware of the many ways we see God’ hand of healing at work.  In the midst of crises, God’s people reach out with hope, offering tangible acts of service and gifts of grace.

One of the places this is surely evident is in the work of the Kuwaa Mission.   From the dedication of our volunteers to the faithfulness of our donors and partners we have seen God’s hands at work to bring hope, healing and Good News to the people of the Kuwaa villages during 2015.

We wish to offer a particular word of thanks to the staff and volunteers of Samaritan’s Purse who have been willing and available to deliver equipment, provide much needed transportation services for our Mission volunteers, and distribute aid during the Ebola crisis.  We deeply appreciate their partnership with us and all that they do in our and surrounding regions of Liberia and around the globe.  May God grant you continued success in your ministry!

Thank you, too, to our volunteer missionaries, CEO Stan Olsen and former Board Chair Cindy Ellis Bye, who leave the comforts of home to travel to our partner villages delivering hope and encouragement along with their love of Jesus and the Kuwaa people, and their expertise in construction and engineering, furthering the work of the mission in so many ways.

We also wish to thank YOU, our many generous donors, who support the work of the Kuwaa Mission through your monthly pledges, Noisy Offerings, special events and promotions, and your prayers.  Your gifts in 2015 made it possible for us to provide training and materials for Children’s Bible school for over 240 children, to train 21 people from 5 different villages in how to maintain and service well pumps, provide a sanitation training in Belle Baloma, to install two new wells in Belle Baloma and Teiglei,  purchase medicines for the Kuwaa medical clinics and, with the help of Samaritan’s Purse, the Lutheran Church in Liberia, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia, provide relief to families suffering from Ebola during the recent crisis.

We still have much to do.  In 2016 our focus will be on building bridges to make it possible for villagers to receive medical attention, supplies and food year-round.  This is a big undertaking and we are asking for your continued financial and prayer support.

We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.   Colossians 1:3

May God bless each of you and your families this Thanksgiving and all year through.

Rev. Carol George, Chair

Kuwaa Mission Board of Directors

 Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458


October-November 2015 Newsletter


October-November 2015


Matt. 25:34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

                  We are so excited and grateful that Cindy Bye can return to Liberia in January, 2016.  Due to the Ebola crisis, we were unable to return to Liberia in 2015.  By God’s grace, the Ebola crisis is over and the Kuwaa chiefdom was relatively untouched!!  Thank you so much for your prayers for Liberia and the Kuwaa people during that difficult time.

Liberia, and particularly the Kuwaa chiefdom, is in a tropical rainforest – emphasis on RAIN!!  Liberia receives between 80 and 200 inches of rain a year (Monrovia is the wettest capital city in the world).  How does that affect the work of the Kuwaa Mission?  American volunteers come to Liberia only during the dry season (mid-November through March) because the roads are impassable at other times of the year.  When we arrive, the roads and bridges have been washed out or damaged due to the heavy rainfall during rainy season.  This makes for delays and difficulties in bringing important supplies to the villages.

                  Right now, Liberian colleagues are busy working on bridges and roads.  We have sent funds for the needed supplies and labor to clear roads and repair bridges so that they are ready when Cindy Bye comes in January to provide children’s Bible school, hygiene and sanitation training, and medical supplies and support.  If we receive enough donations, we can also renew work on wells.  Without good roads, the trucks laden with bags of cement and other supplies cannot reach the villages.  Other modes of transportation must be found which are much more expensive.  These roads are not just for Cindy’s comfort (although they will be appreciated!), they are necessary for the economic and physical well-being of the Kuwaa people.  Without clear and passable roads year round, the Kuwaa people have difficulty accessing the medical clinic.  With good roads and bridges, the villagers can engage more easily in commerce which supports the local economy.

                  Will you partner with us to provide the funds for this important work?  Your donations go far in providing life-enhancing and even life-saving clean water, public hygiene, and medical support.  Even more important, the Kuwaa Mission loves to tell the story of the Son of God who provides living water.  Please pray for the Kuwaa people that they may know Jesus as their Savior.

                  Among the Kuwaa people, it is customary to say “Na Mama O-Oh” (thank you) when you see someone working.  We wish to say “Na Mama O-Oh” to you for the work you do for the Kuwaa Mission and for God’s Kingdom.  Thank you.


                  Jenny Cosgrove

 Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458


Sept 2015 Prayer Letter

Kuwaa Mission-Sept 2015 Prayer Letter



Sept 2015


As summer begins to ebb away, ebbing quickly here in Alaska!, we are busy preparing for another season of activity for and with the Kuwaa People.  Liberia has essentially recovered from the Ebola crisis so we are looking forward to another dry season of productive programs.

The clinic that we finished almost two years ago now is being staffed by the Ministry of Health.  In addition to birthing the mid-wives have a basic understanding of the health care needs of the people and how to see that they get the medical help that is available.  Dr. Harris, the shorter man in the white tee shirt, is the son of a former bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia.  He recently travelled to Liberia and made available to the Kuwaa Mission a pickup load of medical supplies for the clinic.  Due to the condition of the roads at this time of year we were not able to transport them directly to the clinic.  We put a notice on the radio and many people came on a two day 2 day walk from their villages to get the medicines and walked two days back to the clinic.  We praise God for making this possible and the people for their dedication.

Our well contractor is now conducting an assessment of three villages to see exactly what the well needs are.  After this season we will have installed either new wells or refurbished wells in all of the 16 villages.  Some have more than one well but all have working wells delivering potable water for the first time since the very early 1990’s and some for the first time ever!!

We again will be conducting a sanitation workshop with the women from one of the villages.  This has been very successful in teaching them to understand the basic principles of sanitation and why the feces around the village needs to cleaned up and latrines built.  They willingly undertake this responsibility.

Children’s Bible School is a program that has grown beyond our wildest expectations from around 100 the first year to well over 200 last year.  200 is stretching it to be a manageable number but the program will continue for however many children show up.

As Ed Stelling mentioned last month, we are undertaking a new program this year:  building bridges.  The feeder road from the clinic to the main road has many bridges that are only passable by motorbike.  Two of the bridges have fallen down completely and any traffic is rerouted down into the creek bed.  We have a signed contract with a man who will rebuild the main bridges as well as install small log crossings over the smaller creeks.  All constructed in order that a pickup truck can safely pass.  Our clinic contractor will oversee this work.  Upon completion the Ministry of Health will be able to access the clinic easily and the people will have a means to get their produce to market much more efficiently.  Health care and economic development all in one program!!

As our new board takes over the reins of the program we thank all of you for your prayers and financial support.  We ask your continued prayers for the Mission and that we will raise the funds to complete the planned work projects this years.  We are so so close and need your continued support.

Thank you and God bless.

Stan Olsen


 Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458


July 2015 Prayer Letter



July 2015


Last month I had the privilege and opportunity to represent the Kuwaa Mission at the biennial International Lutheran(LCMS) Women’s Missionary League convention held in Des Moines, IA. Two years ago, board member Lolitha Shepherd and I attended the convention in Pittsburgh, PA.  I met many of the same women and shared the good news of what the mission has accomplished in the past two years: completion of the medical clinic in Kondesu; completion of wells in 14 of the 16 villages; and the VBS conducted  in our former village of Belle Baloma several months ago with over 120 children attending. Together we praised the Lord for what has been accomplished.

I also shared with the convention delegates and visitors   the current project of our Mission.  We are raising funds to help the Kuwaa people to have easier access to the medical clinic from many of the remote villages by building and/or repairing log and plank bridges. These bridges are built for motor bike and foot traffic only at this time. They  will also provide easier access for the farmers to transport their rice and other farm produce to market.

Since the early 1970’s the Kuwaa have had portions of God’s Word and in 1988 the complete Kuwaa New Testament in their own heart language was printed and distributed. The Word of God has been sown, nourished and we have seen the bountiful harvest of souls brought to Christ. Since 2009, the Kuwaa Mission has been involved with the Kuwaa people in helping them to rebuild their lives and villages after the 14 year destructive Liberian civil war. We will, with God’s provision and with the prayers and financial support from our faithful partners carry out this mission and ministry for the Kuwaa. Please consider a donation at this time for the bridge-building projects which begin this November.

Among the convention delegates that stopped by our display was Lopu, a young Liberian woman living in Delaware. We had met in 2013 at the Pittsburg convention. She entered and won the drawing for the book, “Mighty Be Our Powers,” written by the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee. Leymah is a member of the Lutheran Church in Liberia and was a leader of the women in Liberia  bringing an end to the civil war.

Na mama o, tegbele gbaa.  (Thank you all very much) on behalf of   the Kuwaa people for your continuing prayers and financial support of the Kuwaa Mission. God bless you all.

Ed Stelling

 Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458


June 2015 Prayer Letter


June 2015


June Prayer Letter by Cindy Bye

I went for a long walk this morning in the Bull Mountains in central Montana.  It was a beautiful warm, partly cloudy day with just enough breeze.   I ended up going much further than originally planned.  I headed towards a treed knoll across the neighbor’s pasture.  Then I saw a ridge off in the distance and wondered what was on the other side.  I was inspired by a walk a few weeks ago with Stan, our CEO.  He wanted to climb a nearby ridge.  I am thankful for the inspiration that he gave me.

We don’t always end up in life where we thought we were going.  We sometimes head in one direction and get diverted by an obstacle.  Sometimes we use our intuition and the path appears before us.  It’s not usually a straight path.  It has lots of bends, hills, and valleys.  But if we listen
to our intuition, it will get us where we are intended to go.   
I think about this as my term on the Board of the Kuwaa Mission comes to a close.  I initially signed up for a trip to Africa to help people get clean water.  I’m an environmental engineer, and I wanted to use my God-given talents to serve others.  I heard Rev. Dick Thompson speak about the Kuwaa Mission at my church in Anchorage, and I knew I had to go.  I didn’t know that it would lead to spending about 9 months in remote villages over 6 years, and getting to known and to love the Kuwaa People.  I was fortunate to see several wells dug, see a clinic built, and
do some sanitation training.  The highlight was doing Children’s Bible School with 106 kids.  It was wonderful to go back year after year and see the improvements in my Kuwaa friends’ lives.

This morning, I thought about the many miles of walking along the well-traveled paths between Kuwaa villages.  I felt that if I just walked a little further this morning, I could look over that distant ridge and see the village of Kondesu or Lowuma.  I’d see the women and children drawing beautiful clean life-giving water from a well, instead of from the river.  I’d see people at the Kondesu Clinic being treated for malaria and getting vaccinations, instead of walking for another 11 hours to the Fassama Clinic.  I’d hear the children singing, “Jesus Loves Me”, as they learned in Bible School.   All of this became part of my life, because I listened to God’s calling.

Three Kuwaa Mission Board members will complete their terms at the end of June: me, Ed Stelling, and Ron Morgan.  I hope that their journey with the Kuwaa People was as satisfying as mine.  I thank them for their service on the Board.  We will continue to volunteer for the Mission, but we are turning over the Board positions to 4 new members.

Welcome to Karen Kuhnert of North Pole, AK, Carol Norquist of Anchorage, AK, Diane Stelling of Lake Forest, CA, and Karen Voris of Eagle River, AK.  

The Board usually meets by teleconference call, but every 2 years, we meet face to face.  We recently met in Red Lodge, MT.  These meetings are necessary to share our enthusiasm for the Mission, make long term plans, and take care of business issues as a non-profit corporation.  
We enjoy fellowship together and pray for guidance in steering the Kuwaa Mission towards God’s end goal.  It is not a straight path, and there are lots of hills and rivers to cross, but we know that with God all things are possible.

           Heavenly Father, we thank you for the work you have done through us to help the Kuwaa People.  We ask that you will continue to guide us.  Be with our new Board of Directors, all of our volunteers, and our contractors to improve the lives of the Kuwaa People.  Be with the Kuwaa People and keep them out of harm’s way.  We hear your call, oh Lord.  Make straight our pathway.  In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

 Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458