Kuwaa Mission June 2013 Prayer Letter
In these past few months the Kuwaa Mission’s activities in Liberia progressed expedientially as the mission supporters diligently prayed and supported the work.
I returned to Liberia in April to check on the status of the K?ndesu Clinic and the well program. I was pleased to see that quality work was proceeding quickly on the clinic. In short time the walls were up, the roof was done, the floor was poured and the plastering of the walls was almost 50% complete. As usual the major challenge is the delivery of cement from Monrovia over the roads. When I left over 90 bags of cement were still in Fassama. The cement still needed to reach Kondesu. A big problem exists as only 3 bags of cement lashed onto motorbike takes 2 hours. The cement is being delivered as quickly as possible, but the rainy season is quickly approaching. This cement is needed to complete the plastering of the walls to protect them against the rains. The cement is also needed to cast the concrete blocks for the nurse’s quarters and the septic tank.
The local people are helping by working on the bridges so that the motorbikes can safely cross. After leaving K?ndesu I biked & walked to the villages where we are putting in the wells. Two were complete as of my visit and since then the last two have been completed. A plaque was installed on the well in Fassama in honor of the donations from Trinity Lutheran Church in Chicago, and another plaque is in Monrovia to be installed on the well in Kenata. The plaque will honor Bishop Seyenkulo. Donations were given by a family in Chicago, the Bishop’s home church in Chicago.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder, CO held a fundraiser, a fast for the mission, and raised over $2500 dollars. Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Anchorage held an auction and raised over $6000 for our work on the clinic. Many other donations have been received allowing our work to proceed. Without you, the supporters, the mission would be able to accomplish nothing. With ALL your support we have ALL been able to bring hope and improved health to the Kuwaa People.
During my visit in April I received many requests for school assistance. While this is not the primary goal of the Kuwaa Mission it is a great need for the children. There are many children who want to go to school but cannot afford it. We would like to start a scholarship program. We do have a rough template for a program that is being used successfully by a friend from Pennsylvania for children in other parts of Liberia. It does not cost much by our standards to send a child to school in Liberia. If there is anyone who has an interest in overseeing this program please contact us. It would involve some time as well as travel once a year to Liberia but it would also be extremely satisfying work!!
Just before I left to come home the Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL) asked our Field Director, Rev. Chris Kowula, to become the head of their “Literacy and Translation Center”. He accepted the position. He has been specifically trained in this work, and it is his first love. He will start work on July 1. We wish him and his family all the best in his new position and we thank him deeply for his 5 years of service to the Kuwaa Mission. At present we do not have anyone in mind for this position but we are able to continue our work with the contractors we have worked with and the many other contacts we have both within and outside of the LCL.
I thank you all again for your prayers and support. You are a vital and essential part of the Kuwaa Mission. We covet your prayers. Please keep praying for the mission, its work, and the Kuwaa people.
Stan Olsen