March 2018 Prayer Letter

We are excited to bring Naomi Ford, the current General Secretary for the Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL), to Alaska for the Alaska Synod ELCA Synod Assembly, April 27-29, 2018 in Anchorage. While in Alaska Ms. Ford will travel to Fairbanks with former CEO of the Kuwaa Mission, Stan Olsen, where they will speak with our partner congregations.  They will also conduct two workshops during the Synod Assembly to talk about cooperative efforts of the LCL and the Kuwaa Mission.

Ms. Ford reports directly to Bishop Daniel Jensen Seyenkulo. She is directly responsible for the implementation of most the LCL’s programs across the country. Naomi also served the LCL under the previous bishop Rev. Sumoward Harris during the recent civil war. She is an active member of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Monrovia, the largest congregation in Monrovia. Naomi has personally, and through the LCL, supported the Kuwaa Mission and its role in Liberia since the Kuwaa Mission’s founding in 2010. She is an active supporter of the Days for Girls program that the Kuwaa Mission has recently implemented in the villages we serve in the Kuwaa chiefdom.  Days for Girls gives young girls in the villages a sanitary and reusable means of dealing with their menstrual cycles so that they do not miss days from school each month. This program is changing the status quo, through menstrual care solutions, health education, and income-generation opportunities. These kits have been accepted enthusiastically by all the girls, as well as the more mature women.  We are working to partner with the Days for Girls Enterprise Program to bring this health care need to Liberia.  The LCL is very excited to see this program succeed and wishes to bring it to all their parishes.

Naomi and Stan will also speak of the Big Belly Program which teaches expectant mothers about the changes their body during pregnancy, proper nutrition, care for the baby while in the womb and after birth.  It also encourages the expectant fathers to be involved with the health and wellness of their wives and newborns.

How can you help?

Please pray for safe travel from Liberia for Ms. Ford and safety for her and Stan Olsen as the travel in Alaska.  Please also pray that may will hear about the work of the Lutheran Church in Liberia and the Kuwaa Mission while Ms. Ford is with us in Alaska.  Pray also for the Big Belly Program and Days for Girls.  The Kuwaa Mission board of directors will be working closely with the LCL and Ms. Ford to promote these programs in the Kuwaa region.

Our work would not be possible without each one of you, our faithful supporters. We ask for your continued prayer and financial support and urge you visit with your friends and congregation members to seriously consider adopting a Kuwaa village church or school.

Please feel free to contact any of the board members with any questions you may have and/or to express you desire to be part of our mission.  We will be able to provide you with a rewarding opportunity to serve!

In Christ’s love,

Rev. Carol George

Board Chair

Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Tax ID number is 27-5458111

Donate on our Website or send a Check to the address below.  Thank You!

 The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458

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