March/April 2023 The Kuwaa Mission and its partners are praying this month for the Community Health Assistants (CHAs) across Liberia, but more specifically for those in Kuwaa land. The work that the CHAs do in Kuwaa land and other parts of Liberia can be classified as “Clinic on Foot.”
The Community Health Assistant program, also known as Community Health Workers Program, is designed to help remote communities and other neglected communities receive access to some level of healthcare. The Liberian Government developed this program to help address the challenges most residents face – the lack of access to health facilities. In the case of the Kuwaa people, the Government trained two or three literate men and women to provide the basic healthcare needs of their communities. They are trained to provide “health education; test for and treat malaria; provide family planning methods, oral rehydration solution, and zinc; refer pregnant women for antenatal care; assist in mass immunization campaigns; and oversee mass drug administration.” (See Each CHA serves between 500 and 1000 persons. These men and women were selected by their communities, given lower levels of health education by the Government than professional healthcare workers, and sent back into the communities from which they were selected.
The training and sacrificial effort of everyone are beneficial if these CHAs are equipped with the proper medications when needed. Unfortunately, according to the CHAs in the Kuwaa region, the problem is that Government-promised-medications are not forthcoming. They complain that the medicines that the Government promised hardly come, and when they come, the quantity is so low that it does not even last for a week. It is at this junction that the Kuwaa Mission can step in and meet a critical need. We have learned from the District Health Officer (DHO) of the Belleh District that it would cost approximately $150.00 to keep the essential medicines of each of the forty-three (43) CHAs in the District in supply for up to six months. The Kuwaa Mission Board has agreed this is essential and cost effective. Therefore, this is the Kuwaa Mission’s main prayer point and action point in the months ahead as we endeavor to reach more residents of the district with the healthcare aspect of our ministry. Prayer: God, we thank you for the Community Health Assistant program in Liberia; for the men and women who give of themselves to help their people; and we thank you for the Kuwaa Mission’s decision to join the battle. We thank you, Oh God, for providing the resources we need for this important task! Amen! D. Jensen Seyenkulo COO, Kuwaa Mission
Please consider a donation to this worthy cause! Your $150 donation will supply the necessary medications to support the work of a Community Health Assistant for 6 months! We need your help to support all 43 of the dedicated people doing this good work!
Your contributions to the Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our tax ID number is 27-5458111 Donations can be given in two ways: A Check to the mission address or PayPal on our Website:
Kuwaa Mission, PO Box 90513, Anchorage, AK 99509 Facebook: Kuwaa-Mission
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