May 2013 Prayer Letter

Kuwaa Mission May 2013 Prayer Letter


May 2013


The Kuwaa Mission just recently learned that a cholera outbreak has occurred in the Kuwaa Town of Fassama.  Prayers for the people are requested.  Cholera kills especially children and seniors.

What?! No food for 30 hours?? You can imagine the response you would hear from middle schoolers when approached about participating in a 30-Hour Famine. Not so with the confirmation class at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado! Although maybe not thrilled with the hunger pains they knew would gnaw at their stomachs, they jumped in and accepted the challenge. Here’s how it works:

The purpose of the 30 Hour Famine is to learn about the causes and effects of hunger, to experience hunger firsthand, to help fight hunger, to participate in a service project, to join in worship, fellowship, fun, and  – here’s where the Kuwaa Mission comes in – to gather funds for a selected cause.  I presented a slide show to the class that introduced them to the Mission and its goal of providing clean drinking water for the Kuwaa people. The class decided that this was indeed a worthy cause. They set a goal of $2500 toward a well in Liberia.

The next step was to enlist sponsors for their 30 hours of fasting. The sponsors pledged various amounts toward the goal of $2500, payable when the class successfully completed their task.

Then the famine began. The class gathered with their sleeping bags in tow in the church basement on a Friday at 7 o’clock.  Lunch that day had been their last meal. They were allowed to drink fruit juice and Gatorade and chew gum. Their first full glass of juice/Gatorade was “free” but after that they had to carry 2 gallons of water around the room 4 times to get a refill for one glass, illustrating how not everyone in the world has a tap handy with fresh clean water, and that many people have to walk miles to get their water.  The class kept a journal to record how they were feeling at various times of the famine, and what it must be like for others to live with hunger.  They made a trip to Costco to buy supplies for their service project – no free food samples allowed! They filled the basement with the aromas of bread and chocolate chip cookies baking – no sampling allowed!

The service project was to assemble goody bags to be handed out at a mobile medical clinic. They also assembled street bags for homeless folks who were being served lunch at a neighboring congregation. They delivered the bags, helped serve the lunch and visited with the guests. Afterwards they joined in a Bible study about the Feeding of the 5000.


When the 30 hours were over, they broke their fast by celebrating Holy Communion and shared a meal of their freshly baked bread and fish sticks.

Then it was on to the job of collecting from the folks who had made pledges. The amount they collected for the Kuwaa Mission totaled $2545. How thrilled I was when I heard about it! What a blessing for the Kuwaa people!

This is one example of what a congregation can do to raise funds for the Kuwaa Mission. For other ideas, visit By working together and with God’s help, we will surely make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

 Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check and send to: Bethany Lutheran Church (see below)

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Mission:  c/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458