In April of this year the Kuwaa Mission celebrated three major achievements.
Our CEO, Stan Olsen, went to Liberia in late March and visited with the Gbarpolu County Health Department (CHT) while en-route to Kondesu. It had been essentially agreed that the Health Department would accept the clinic but he needed to meet with them to finalize details. At the conclusion of the meeting it was agreed that the Health Department would accept the clinic as of May 1, 2014 and that a Memorandum of Understanding would be signed. The verbiage for the MoU has been agreed upon and should be signed before the end of May 2014; in the meantime the CHT is making plans to staff and supply the clinic.
On Palm Sunday, April 13 the Kuwaa Mission dedicated the new clinic in Kondesu, Liberia. We started this project last January during the dry season, as that is the only time the roads are passable and then we stopped work during the rains and in December of last year we restarted the project. The clinic contains a reception area, storage area with the solar system controls and medicine refrigerator, pharmacy, OB ward, general ward and d two exam rooms. Next door is a smaller building that will be used to house a nurse. The senator for this area is building a house next door that may be used to house two more nurses as requested by the CHT.
Attending the dedication ceremony was Senator Momo, Representative Malai, the County Superintendent, the CHT and several chiefs of the Kuwaa area, various local dignitaries and about 200 interested local people. The day was warm, sunny and the air was filled with excitement. Many songs and some dancing occurred and of course there were many speeches. The Senator, Representative and Superintendent all thanked the KM for their work and emphasized to the local people their responsibility to take care of the health providers who would be stationed here, to maintain the roads so that medicines can be delivered and development take place. The Senator also noted that the clinic was for everyone, not just the people of Kondesu, not just Lutherans but everyone who lives in the area or is traveling through.
Our third milestone was the first meeting between the Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL) which is associated with the ELCA in America, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia (ELCL) which is associated with the LCMS in America and the KM. Stan arranged a meeting between Rev. Amos Bolay, the Bishop of the ELCL and Rev. Isaac Dowah, the Special Assistant to the Bishop of the LCL, (Bishop Seyenkulo of the LCL was out of Liberia on church business and unable to attend) and Stan presented to Rev. Bolay his request that the KM and the ELCL work together to enable the KM to obtain funding through the LCMS to help the people in Liberia associated with the ELCL and the LCL. Despite the theological differences between the two church bodies we all agreed that these need to be put aside to so that together we can holistically help the people.
The two church bodies have been operating in Liberia for many years but have not set down and discussed how they can work together. Within two weeks of Stan’s departure the two bishops did meet and a draft of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two is in the final stages. It is very rewarding to see such positive steps being taken after such a prolonged drought of communication. Truly all the people will benefit.
Dave Hagstrom of Billings, MT accompanied Stan on his trip in April and completed the installation of the solar system on the clinic in only 4 days. A special ceremony was held upon reaching this milestone with all the villagers of Kondesu taking part.
One other special note is that when Cindy Bye was in the Kuwaa area she and Korpu Barsay conducted our first sanitation workshop, in Kenata, to help the local people understand why they needed to keep the town clean of feces. When Stan visited in April he was pleasantly surprised at how much cleaner the town was than during his visit in 2013. We are making a difference!!
Thanks to the wonderful support we have received from all of you we have been able to make remarkable progress in serving the Kuwaa People of Liberia. When we first started working in Liberia2009 we had no idea of where our mission would take us, we only that we knew we needed to try and help. Now, with your prayers and generous financial contributions, we have truly helped made a difference in the lives of the people. As we finalize plans to involve all our supporters for our 5th year anniversary celebration please continue to keep the Kuwaa Mission in your prayers and financial support. Please check our website soon for we will posting many photos of the clinic and the dedication ceremony.
Our contact information for donations is given below. Please contact myself or Rev. Carol George, the Congregational Coordinator, if you want a spokesperson to visit your congregation. Her email address is: Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
Donations can be given in two ways:
1. Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))
2. Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at use PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation
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The Kuwaa Mission: c/o Bethany Lutheran Church, 1340 8th Street, Slidell, LA 70458