An interesting thing happened to me just a little while ago. I was sitting here at my desk, and I received an email from a long time missionary friend, John Duitsman. He worked among the Krahn, a sister tribe to Ku?w??ó when he was in Liberia. He was a Bible translator, but while in Liberia, he started doing helpful side ministries for the people, and the Lord prospered his labors. When he finished in Liberia, he went home to the US, but only for a short time. The next thing I knew about him and his wife Kathy, they were in East Africa helping another group of people to upgrade their living standard. While he was there, he established a radio ministry, using that as a new way to reach the people. Mission work can take many paths, while our goals are the same; the path we take is almost always influenced by the environment we work in. John wrote the following, “The radio ministry is still going great with people from the villages in Ethiopia. They tell us that they view our radio pastors are their personal pastors as they gather around the radio to worship. Three to five house gatherings call in every month to tell us that we need to visit to teach and baptize them. It is amazing to see all of the communication technology is supporting this type of evangelism and church planting. This got me thinking about our present situation with Coronavirus floating out there. I asked myself, “What can the Mission do with the uncertainty of the world situation? Can the cellular phones and antennas be a way God is giving us to win more people for Christ in the Ku?w??ó Chiefdom?” Maybe God is showing us another way of doing evangelism through the use of cellular phones. In many places around the world, people are being brought to Christ through technology, just like the people in Ethiopia are right now. 40 years ago we did the same thing for Ku?w??ó . A time was scheduled for them to hear the Gospel over short wave radio once a week. Many of the people were glad to hear the Word and accept Christ as their Savior. Many wanted to be baptized, and there were mass baptisms in several villages. The civil war disrupted the radio work for a time, but the Kuwaa Mission, maybe now, has a new opportunity to reach the people for Christ. Dr. Jensen and I met together, and we were convinced by God that since their Chiefdom was almost totally destroyed during the civil war, the first thing we needed to do was show them that God still loved them. Thus the Kuwaa Mission was established. The first thing that the mission set out to do was to help the people rebuild their infrastructure. Good water was supplied by new wells, schools were rebuilt and supplied with materials, Vacation Bible Schools were held, teacher training workshops were held, medical and school supplies were provided, and a full medical facility to serve half the Chiefdom was built. Scholarships were given for evangelists to be trained. The L.C.L. provided a pastor for them. He w served all 19 villages with the help of the evangelists.
Recently a few villages have had cell phone towers constructed. Maybe this is another opportunity for the Mission to help? Pastor Paye could then use them to bring the saving news about Christ to more villages. Since he is the only pastor of 19 villages, it is a challenge to reach them all regularly. The equipment would also be helpful if Coronavirus continues to prevent our missionaries from traveling to and fro. Is this what God wants us to do as our next project? We need to pray about it, and seriously discuss the possibilities. Your brother in Christ, Rev. Dr. Dick Thompson, Founding member of the Kuwaa Mission
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