Oh, give thanks unto the Lord because he is good, and his love endures forever (Psalm 107:1)
When things aren’t going right, or when they aren’t going in the direction, we feel they should be going, we wonder what’s the matter with God. After all, he promises to take care of us, but he doesn’t tell us how he will do it. He also promises all of those who believe in him that he will love us. He adds that his love will grow and continue to grow. Ah, but there is a catch to this. We have to remain faithful to him even when things don’t appear to be going in the right direction.
So, what’s the answer to our problem? We are to pray to him asking him to clear up any doubts might have, and then praise him for he is Lord who knows what he is doing. We are to trust the Lord! And we are to trust him that he knows what he is doing. When we look at what he is doing with a new perspective, we will see what he is doing is good and right.
There is something else we need to explore when we question where God is and what he’s doing – me, myself, and I. I am just as guilty as the next person. For instance, I have questioned why the Kuwaa Mission is about ready to stop operation. But then God shows me that he’s still at work helping the Mission to evangelize the Kuwaa people and to help them rebuild their infrastructures. However, in order to do this, we need manpower over here and over there. ½ of the problem is solved. Four people whom we have given scholarships to, have now graduated and are ready to go to work beside Pastor Paye. They are Joedoe Boy Wanley, Edward Payne, Jr., David Garwolo, and Youngor Wanley.

Oh, give thanks to God because He is paving the way to evangelize the Kuwaa people. God will use Pastor Payer and these. Four Ordained Evangelists mightily. Now we need to step forward and become mighty for the Lord. The Mission is in desperate need of Board members and individuals who would be willing to go Liberia to help supervise the workers doing infrastructure upgrading, to help in VBS, and help teachers in teaching Biblical truths. If you would be willing to serve in either capacity, please let Pastor Carol George know of your interest.
Thanksgiving is almost here! Therefore, let us thank the Lord because he is good and his love endures forever. We are thankful for the individuals who served on the Board and especially for Stan Olsen (Project Supervisor, plus lots) and Todd Thompson (Website and Prayer letter distribution)
May God help us continue with our mission work. May he raise up more workers to extend his kingdom. May he hear our mighty thanksgivings.
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Kuwaa Mission, PO Box 90513, Anchorage, AK 99509
www.kuwaamission.org Facebook: Kuwaa-Mission
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