October 2012

October 2012 Prayer Letter

StanOlsen: Solsen@kuwaamission.org

You are receiving this letter because you know about the Kuwaa Mission and are probably personally involved.   As such you are not “strangers” (as they say in Liberia) but friends.  Since its inception, when a needs assessment was made, the mission continues to work to help the Kuwaa people establish better living conditions.  In keeping with the mission’s Purpose Statement to wholistically help the Kuwaa People the following have been accomplished:

  • Distributed over 150 Sawyer water filters; provided instruction; and verified their continued use.
  • Completed 5 wells; 4 more will be completed this year; 6 reconstituted; and trained people on maintenance.  All villages will now have at least one working, sanitary well.
  • Procured an approved plan by the Liberian Ministry of Health for a new clinic and promise to staff and supply it; purchased and transported building materials; hired a contractor; and will begin construction in December.
  • Distributed student & school supplies; conducted teacher training workshop.
  • Provided 3 scholarships to train Evangelists and helped conduct a church leaders’ workshop.
  • Distributed medical supplies to clinics & midwives in the Kuwaa area and Monrovia.
  • Distributed agricultural seeds for income generating projects for church support.
  • Established strong working relationships with Liberian government officials and NGO leaders; established working partnerships with them.
  • Exploring possibilities of setting up a “portable sawmill” to generate lumber for our projects and as a source of income to become self-supporting and provide employment opportunities.
  • Providing health care training sessions for children and adults from Child Fund materials.
  • Achieved status as a Liberian registered NGO; processing the Kuwaa Missions 501 C 3 application with the IRS.
  • Continue to make new contacts for potential support and partnershipping.
  • God restored hope among the Kuwaa people through the work of the Kuwaa Mission; motivated the people to cooperate in the work of the projects and care for our volunteers in the villages

None of this could have been accomplished without your prayers and financial support.  Thank you.  But much more needs to be done which requires your continued prayers and financial support.  If just 20 people gave up 5 lattes a month for one year we could install another well.  OR…  Ponder how much you plan to spend on Christmas gifts this year.  How much real benefit will those gifts accomplish?  Multiply that amount times the number of families in your congregation.  Here’s another challenge:  why not give up just 10% of that amount, really it won’t make any difference to anyone on your list, and donate it to the Kuwaa Mission as a birthday gift to Jesus.  Imagine if your whole congregation did that!!  Now that’s a gift that WILL be of benefit.  For a wonderful video on this concept please go to YouTube and look up the video:  “Advent Conspiracy” – YOU DO have the potential to make a difference in the world. 

Donations can be made on the website as one time gifts or automatic monthly deductions.

Thank you again for your support.