October 2013
Solar Power The Clinic
This fall brings new and exciting happenings and challenges for the Kuwaa Mission.
Several individuals will be returning to Liberia this dry season. The following projects are on the agenda: 3 new wells, conduct sanitation education workshops, help construct latrines, and hold the first Kuwaa Youth Mission Soccer Tournament. Getting the kids together from the villages will hopefully increase inter-village cooperation at all levels. They will surely enjoy getting new soccer balls and jerseys.
The Kondesu Clinic is the big project. The Ministry of Health in Liberia, through the County Health Department has agreed to staff the clinic but requires a well at the Clinic. The village school will benefit from this well also. The shipping of 100+ bags of cement and 6 bundles of roofing materials upcountry for the clinic and nurse quarters also needs to be undertaken. No small matter!
Even though there is minimal actual work to finish the clinic, the mission needs to complete the nurse’s house and a septic system for both the clinic and the house. One of the major items that the mission promised the people and the County Health Department is A SOLAR SYSTEM installed with a refrigeration unit to keep medicines from spoiling. Refrigeration is vitally essential because certain medicines and vaccines need to be refrigerated. Vaccines are necessary to help diminish the high child mortality rate. This is our last major challenge for the Kondesu Clinic. We have received a quote from Backwoods Solar in Sandpoint, ID for a complete system including batteries, panels, wiring, fridge and all accessories required. Conversations between First Lutheran in Beaver Dam, WI and me about shipping these items in their next container to Liberia are progressing.
The mission invites you to join us in prayer for the funds needed to buy the solar system, freight to Beaver Dam, Liberia, and the Kuwaa Chiefdom. Thanks be to God as another person is showing interest in going to Liberia in April with me to install the solar system.
Approximately $20,000 is needed very quickly so that the system can be there by April for installation. If you can help it will be definitely appreciated. Most of all pray that the solar system installation will come to pass. Please consider a special donation to the Kuwaa Mission for this system or sponsoring a fund raiser in your town or congregation. If you would like someone from the mission to come and speak about the mission, we will do our best to accommodate all requests.
Our contact information for donations is given below. Please contact myself or Rev. Carol George, the Congregational Coordinator, if you want a spokesperson to visit your congregation. Her email address is: pastorcarol@kuwaamission.org Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
Stan Olsen, CEO – solsen@kuwaamission.org