January 2018 Prayer Letter


January 2018

Dear Friends in Christ,

As a member of the Kuwaa Mission board of directors I would like to start this New Year of 2018 thanking all those who have been volunteering for our mission.

First: I would like to thank the Board of Directors both present and past. There is no way all of you can be thanked for all the time and energy you have given to further the work of the Lord and the mission. You have used your talents and your treasure. I would like to especially thank those that have travelled to Liberia and have experienced the culture and the climate.Serving in remote Liberia is a real challenge and you have made a huge difference in the lives of the people. God bless you!

Second: I would like to thank all of the faithful  supporters that have been praying for the work and have donated to help the Kuwaa people have clean, drinking water, medical aide, spiritual growth, nursing education, evangelist training, teacher training, better roads and bridges, and aid to many young women with the Big Belly and Days for Girls projects.You too have made a difference in the lives of the people. God bless you!

Third:  I would like to express our deepest thanks to Samaritans Purse for assisting us in transporting materials via their helicopter in Liberia. This assistance saves us time and makes  our work up country possible where there are no motor roads. God bless your work in all countries.

Fourth: Thank you to Wheat Ridge and Water Hope for their granting us funds to put in wells in various remote villages. Clean safe water is the key to better health. God bless you!

Fifth: but not last, I want to thank Rev. Dr. Jensen Seyenkulo, now Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia and Rev. Dr. Richard Thompson retired in Northern California for asking us to join them as they founded the Kuwaa Mission. This mission was begun as an aid and assistance to the Kuwaa ( Belleh) people in Liberia after the civil war which lasted 14 years. Bishop Seyenkulo, being a Liberian, and Rev.Thompson having worked in Liberia felt the call to assist them. Our being a literacy team to the Kuwaa, it was their desire that we come on board. We worked with Rev. Thompson in Liberia and knew Bishop Seyenkulo when he was a young Kuwaa man in the bush. God bless you!

God bless us all as we go forward in 2018 answering God’s call to the Kuwaa.

Diane Stelling

Member: Board of Directors Kuwaa Mission

 Prayer item: Safe journey within Liberia for Stan Olson, advisory board member who is traveling up country for 3 weeks and also meeting with various government agencies about our plans for this year.


Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Tax ID number is 27-5458111

Donations can be given in two ways:

  1. Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))
  2. Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.org:  use PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458 www.bethanyslidell.org



Please Consider Helping The Kuwaa Mission

The success of the Kuwaa Mission is due to your prayers and strong financial support for our Christian mission.

We thank you sincerely.  At this time of year when we especially remember our many blessings, we ask for your continued support for these, “the least of these”, who need our continued help.

As you can see from the last page of our Christmas letter in the post below, the Kuwaa Mission is involved in all aspects of improving the life of the Kuwaa People.  We have earned their trust and cooperation, and each year they look forward to our return.  This year we are installing 4 more wells, adding a storeroom to their  clinic, conducting a sanitation workshop and a Children’s Bible School.  Additionally we are purchasing roofing materials for 3 churches that the people have just constructed, we are sending 4 evangelists for additional training at the Lutheran Lay Training Center in Totota, Liberia and have received requests from several nursing students from the Kuwaa area for school fees assistance.  We are also completing additional training for local teachers.

Please consider providing your financial support by year end.

All donations are fully tax deductible (Tax ID # 27-5458111) and can be made online from this website through Paypal or sent to:

Bethany Lutheran Church, 1340 8th St., Slidell, LA   70458.

Thank you so much!! And have a very blessed Christmas!

December 2017


December 2017

Christmas Shopping for the Greatest Gift

By Cindy Bye, CEO

The Christmas season is hectic for many people.  Parties to attend, decorations to put up, baking to do, cards to send, and presents to buy.  Some people are so hard to buy for, because they have everything they want.  Others have everything they need, but they still want more, and no matter how much they have, they’re not satisfied.   We are often thankful when it is all over and life is back to normal.  Maybe Thanksgiving should be after Christmas!

I once saw a cartoon about a child in the midst of a clutter of wrapping paper and toys with a brightly lit Christmas tree, and the caption, “What a spiritual experience”.  That cartoon has stuck with me.  Many people forget the Greatest Gift of Christmas.  Indeed, many people don’t realize or accept the Greatest Gift.

The Kuwaa Christians realize and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.  They do not go out in a frenzy to buy gifts.  They don’t spend money they don’t have buying trivial trinkets.  And yet, they have so little in the way of material things, that anything that they would receive would be appreciated and needed.  They may have a party, and there will be singing and dancing, and mostly praising God for the Greatest Gift they receive.

We recently received a note of thank you from the Kuwaa Lutheran Parish Pastor, thanking the Kuwaa Mission for the gifts that you have given to the Kuwaa People.  These include clean water, continued support of their two health clinics, Bible School, school supplies, and education.  The mission is now sponsoring three men and one woman to attend Evangelist Training, to better serve the spiritual needs of their people.  A list of our current programs is attached.  The greatest gift that you have given to the Kuwaa People is showing your love for them.  They know that you care for them and pray for them.  They are very thankful for your gifts and for your prayers. The things they receive are dearly needed and appreciated.

Blessings on your Christmas celebrations.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the Greatest Gift you have given us, which was Love personified. Help us to appreciate that gift, and to live out our lives showing love for all of your people. We ask your blessings on the Kuwaa People, as they celebrate Christmas in much simpler ways than we do. We ask that you guide and protect them, and help them feel your love, as well as our love for them.

In Jesus’ name,


Kuwaa Mission Programs

• Water and Sanitation

• Water wells with hand pumps for safe drinking water. To date, we have provided 22 new wells.

• Provide water filters for stream water.

• Repair multiple wells.

• Train pump technicians.

• Sanitation training.

Basic Health

• New clinic in Kondesu completed in 2014.

• Bringing basic medical supplies to 2 clinics.

Maternal and Child Health

• Participating in the Big Belly Program to inform new parents about giving birth, raising a child, and preventing pregnancy.

• Participating in Days For Girls: providing feminine hygiene packets to young girls. Our goal is to have Days For Girls provide training for women to sew packets by hand for sale.

Spiritual Health

• Children’s Bible School. This is conducted over 2 days with many helpers. We’ve had as many as 240 children attend at once!

• Operation Christmas Child, through Samaritan’s Purse. Bringing shoe boxes and even more importantly, bringing Christian education.

• Providing materials for construction and repair of churches.


• Providing assistance for evangelists to receive training.

• Assisting volunteer school teachers to study for their High School equivalency test.

• Delivering school supplies and books to teachers and students.

• Conducted workshop for public school teachers & Sunday School teachers in 2012.

Bridge Work

• Rebuilding 35 small bridges between the end of the road and the new clinic.

 Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Tax ID number is 27-5458111

Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458 www.bethanyslidell.org


November 2017



November 2017

Greetings to all,

As I traveled with Cindy Ellis Bye to the villages of the Kuwaa people last February, we were greeted at each stop with incredible enthusiasm.  The women and children would meet us at the edge of town and ‘dance’ us to our accommodations with such gusto; singing, playing sasas and keeping the beat with wooden spoons and water buckets the whole way. Some of the children were fearful of the bright white skin they were not accustomed to seeing, but most were fascinated with our arrival. They would sit for hours, simply watching our activities. Early on, I realized that I rarely saw these little guardians play. As a nurse, I am all about balance. They now thrive on the clean water that the village has access to, due to their partnership with the Kuwaa Mission, they have energy to just be kids.

Many of you may have heard of Operation Christmas Child, I am sure some of you may have participated. It is a program sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse that gathers shoeboxes packed by volunteers around the country and distributes them to children in over 100 countries who deal with the effects of war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease. These shoeboxes are lovingly filled with treasures to inspire that spirit of play, such as stuffed animals, balls and art supplies. They also include hygiene items. This may be the first gift many of these kiddos ever receive; I suspect this would be true for many of our Kuwaa kids. A note from the donor is enclosed, a sign that someone cares for them and a tangible message of hope, joy and how God’s love is shared. The most important ingredient is the prayer that accompanies the box.


The rest of the story: Although our congregation has participated in this project for several years, it was not until we met with the team in Liberia that I learned about what happens after the boxes leave our building. They are filled with the message of the Gospel in a twelve part series called The Greatest Journey. One of the first things that the Kuwaa people asked for as we met in the villages was “education”. Teachers in each area where the boxes are distributed are identified, instructed and supported in sharing these lessons. What a great education opportunity for the church leaders, as well as their young and eager students. The Operation Christmas Child team had not previously been acquainted with the Kuwaa area. These neighbors in Liberia have now been included in the distribution plan.

Many thanks for all you do for ‘our kids’ in Kuwaa!

Tara Orley, RN, Kuwaa Mission Volunteer

 Loving and powerful Father, we thank you for the precious gift of our young ones. Give us wisdom and persistence in caring for them. Guide us in doing our best loving, listening and advocating. In Your Son’s name we pray, Amen.

 Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Tax ID number is 27-5458111

Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458 www.bethanyslidell.org


September 2017 Prayer Letter

September 2017 Prayer Letter


September 2017

Greetings to all Kuwaa Mission supporters,

 In July of this year I attended the Tenth WELCA Triennial Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.  The theme was ALL ANEW from Psalm 104:30: “Lord, send forth your spirit….and renew the face of the earth.”  Thousands of women from all 50 states and 12 countries were in attendance to hear motivational speakers, participate in various projects and attend seminars.  There was also time to connect with many new and old friends.
The Kuwaa Mission had an informational booth that was well attended.  There was a lovely picture won by Kris Mitzman of Billings, MT and a musical instrument called a sa-sa was also won.

This year the Kuwaa Mission is also branching out all anew with trainings for teachers, nurses and clergy.  We are also assisting with women’s issues.  This new project will provide kits for women and girls during their menstrual cycles so that they can continue to attend school and work.  There are currently 7 churches, from all over the US that have expressed an interest in making these Days for Girls kits.  The Lord of Life women in North Pole, AK are making the first 50 kits that will be sent out this fall.
These kits include:

• 2 pairs underwear

• 8 reusable pads

• 2 washable shields

• 1 wash cloth

• 1 bar of soap

• 1 cloth bag

• 2 qt zip lock bags and instructions

The eventual goal is to have Days for Girls-Africa come and train and educate the women on how to make these kits themselves.

If you or your organization is interested in assisting with this project please e-mail me at kkuhnert@kuwaamission.org

Continue to watch future newsletters for ways you can become involved and/or how your dollars are at work assisting God’s people.


Karen Kuhnert-Volunteer Coordinator

 Your contributions to The Kuwaa Mission are tax-deductible.  We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.  Our Tax ID number is 27-5458111

Donations can be given in two ways:

1.   Make out check to: The Kuwaa Mission  (send to Bethany Lutheran Church (see below))

2.   Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.orguse PayPal to make a one time or automatic monthly donation

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The Kuwaa Missionc/o Bethany Lutheran Church,  1340 8th Street,  Slidell, LA 70458 www.bethanyslidell.org