Dear Friends of the Kuwaa Mission, It is rainy season here in Liberia, and the rains are FALLING! The rains seem to be trying to make up for the longer than usual dry season this year! Despite these rains, two women and two men, who have some Kuwaa background, traveled with me to Kuwaa-land a few weeks ago. The trip’s purpose was to assess the Kuwaa Mission work in the region and report back to the Kuwaa Mission Board. Thanks be to God for the opportunity!
As a Kuwaa man myself, the Kuwaa Mission is not strange to me. I have been involved with the Mission since its inception; I was one of the founding members. This time I was impressed to see the amount of work the Mission has done among the Kuwaa people. It was also pleased me to hear the praises of the Mission sung by the people. We cannot thank you enough for all the financial, prayerful, and other forms of support that make the work possible! Your support is making a difference! The Kuwaa Mission has done amazing work in the region where the Kuwaa people live. I want to share some of that work with you. I was impressed most with the positive impact the wells are having on the population.
- The children look healthy. The positive effects of safe drinking water on the people can be seen in the faces of the children! They look healthier than ever before. That was not just the impression of the visiting team; the technicians admitted it. According to the well technicians we met, the healthy appearance can largely be attributed to the increase in safe drinking water in these communities. We agree with their conclusion mainly because the wells are the only new interventions in these communities.
- The adults are learning new practices around water use. The well technicians told my team and me that village dwellers have seen the well water’s positive impact on them and their families. This discovery has led them to take extra well water with them to the farms, where they labor all day without access to the wells. Through this practice, the farmers can access well water without the wells. That is a significant transformation for people who believe one cannot wash water, meaning water cannot be purified – you drink what looks good for drinking, period!
Sadly, the intense sun and the prolonged dry season affected water availability in some of these wells. According to the technicians(Team shown below), a good number of wells ran dry. The situation led to the straining of the few wells that contained water, damaging some handpumps. With the ten seals that we took with us, the technicians can now repair some. Thanks for helping make this possible. In addition, the Kuwaa Mission has been instrumental in training professional leaders from the area, who are now more equipped to be leading and evangelizing people in the region. We had the opportunity to interact with some these leaders. Their joy for what they do was contagious! In the past four years, the Mission has helped to fund theological education for 7 evangelists from the area. Currently, one is under consideration to attend seminary. A new group of four evangelists are currently being recruited for the next term which begins in September, 2022.
My first recommendation would be that the Kuwaa Mission Board will authorize the building of more wells in targeted areas and permit the deepening of shallow wells in as many towns as possible. My second recommendation would be that funds be made available to enable the continued training in Lutheran theology, Bible, and literacy for the evangelists from the area. The need is great, and the work done so far is making a difference. We can make a more significant positive impact on these neglected people.
Prayer: Dear God, I thank you for the opportunity you have given us to serve you among the Kuwaa people. Open our eyes to what is needed most and equip us to do your will. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Jensen Seyenkulo
Bishop Emeritus, Lutheran Church in Liberia
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