Bible School
A Children’s Bible School was held in the Kuwaa village of Golita. About 70 children attended, and almost as many adults! It is a wonderful thing to bring the love of Jesus Christ and the Word of God to these people.
The school was conducted over 2 afternoons. It started with the people washing their hands prior to entering the church. This is a new practice started last year during the Ebola crisis in Liberia. It’s good that they are still doing it.
While people were congregating, there was singing and dancing, with the men and boys playing drums made from native materials. Girls and women played the “sasa”, which is a gourd with beads on a string wound around it. It sounds something like a tambourine. When the Kuwaa people sing in church, they can’t keep from dancing.
One of the lessons was about David and Goliath (1Samuel 17). The brave small boy, David, was able to overcome the giant, Goliath. With God, all things are possible. The children were given a coloring sheet, along with crayons. Using crayons was a first for most of them, including the adults. They also did some roll playing, where a boy acted as David, and one of the men acted as Goliath. After the fight, Goliath was on the ground, and the little David was triumphant.
The children were also given school supplies, which most of them don’t have. They received notebooks, pencils, and sharpeners. When they don’t have sharpeners, they use razor blades to sharpen their pencils. That’s especially dangerous considering blood-borne diseases and their lack of medical care.
Two Bible verses were committed to memory: Psalms 23:6 and John 3:16. Those children who could recite the verse in front of the group received a prize.
A snack was provided on both days. The favorite was popcorn, which was new to most of the people. They were amazed at how it was cooked, and they enjoyed the task.
At the conclusion, the adult helpers were awarded certificates for their participation.