As summer begins to ebb away, ebbing quickly here in Alaska!, we are busy preparing for another season of activity for and with the Kuwaa People. Liberia has essentially recovered from the Ebola crisis so we are looking forward to another dry season of productive programs.
The clinic that we finished almost two years ago now is being staffed by the Ministry of Health. In addition to birthing the mid-wives have a basic understanding of the health care needs of the people and how to see that they get the medical help that is available. Dr. Harris, the shorter man in the white tee shirt, is the son of a former bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia. He recently travelled to Liberia and made available to the Kuwaa Mission a pickup load of medical supplies for the clinic. Due to the condition of the roads at this time of year we were not able to transport them directly to the clinic. We put a notice on the radio and many people came on a two day 2 day walk from their villages to get the medicines and walked two days back to the clinic. We praise God for making this possible and the people for their dedication.