The long, hot days of summer are ending, while the shorter days of autumn swiftly overtake them. The cooler days of fall are well appreciated. Soon the colder days of winter will settle in, followed by the refreshing days of spring, bringing with it new life.
Kuwaa people don’t experience the 4 seasons as they only have dry and rain seasons. We pray for them as they are enduring the final 6 or 7 weeks of the relentless rain season. These rains are as bad as the floods in Colorado this year. This time of year calls for a change of pace. They do the other things that need to be done to survive instead of making farm. Medical care is harder to get as it is more difficult to travel to a clinic or a hospital outside the chiefdom.
Matthew 9:35-38 – Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
PRAY that the working conditions of Kuwaa Mission and the people remain at high level. Once again, the mission plans on sending volunteer teams to Liberia during the dry season – November through April. PRAY for the Kuwaa Mission volunteers, including Cindy Ellis Bye, returning on her 5th Mission trip, and Stan Olsen returning for another stint. PRAY for the continued generosity of the mission’s supporters. We PRAISE God for you. PRAY that work projects continue to move forward until completion as there is still many more to be started. PRAY that the Kondesu Medical Clinic will be finished and dedicated this dry season. PRAY for more wells to be dug. PRAY that the Liberian government begins to rebuild the road into the chiefdom. PRAY for the training workshops. PRAY for the men, women, and children all over the world who are suffering from the tragedies and atrocities of war and natural disasters. PRAY that they find peace for their souls through Christ Jesus the Great Comforter.
If your church or organization would like to host the Kuwaa mission at a fall rally, Harvest Festival, Thanksgiving service, Christmas Celebration or any other special event please contact Lolitha Shepard, the Kuwaa Event Planner, who can be contacted at (430)-342-7343 or
With the holidays fast approaching, you or your friends and family, church or organization can donate to the Kuwaa Mission either by mail or Pay Pal on our website –
Your sister in Christ,
Lolitha Shepard
Kuwaa Mission Board Member