Stan Olsen, one of the Mission’s Board of Directors, sends this email update on how things are going in Liberia.
The people we visited, stayed with, ate with and walked with were great – really a very friendly people. We were the first white people to visit them since at least 1989 and the first to walk in since Dick Thompson did in 1980. We found that the living conditions appalling. Their living conditions are solely due to no decent road access into their area. No one has safe water. They only have minimal, if any, access to reasonable, prompt medical care. Many only have access to one radio station – the UNMIL radio station. We covered somewhere between 80-100 miles in about 50hrs of walking. We met good trails, rocky mountainous terrain, log bridges, heavy ant infested terrain, streams, swamps, and one monkey bridge. All this back packing was done in 100 degree plus heat in the sun and cool 90 degree shade under the canopy. Unfortunately there were no canoe crossings!!
After the patrol, we have been busy working on the logistics for helping the Kuwaa people. Plans are being researched and made to get materials into the chiefdom. It isn’t easy as costs are about twice as much as the best estimate I could make before we left the U.S.A. There are two possible alternatives open to us for this trip. They are being able to use a free pickup from Lutheran World Federation or fixing one for about $4000. We should know tomorrow. The first option would be most favorable not only because of cost but it’s a better vehicle. However, we realize that this is a one time fix. I hope to load the first pickup by next Monday the day I leave to return to the U.S.A.
Cindy Ellis will take over for me. She has picked up the Liberian way of life very quickly and will do a great job. I hate to leave as we are just about to begin the challenge of getting wells installed. But on the other hand it will be good to get back to Alaska and home again. However I believe that they will be complete in about 6 weeks under Cindy’s watchful eye.
Please pray that the rest of the mission here goes as successfully as the first.
Thanks, Stan